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Getting started: Beginner's manuel

Writer's picture: Poison IvyPoison Ivy

Supplies to get started + my fav extensive essentials

If you are considering joining the plant community, imo, these are some basic things you will need! My plant journey began with being gifted a plant and I gradually invested in supplies as my collection grew but I wanted to make a basic list of supplies I wish I'd invested in sooner. Make sure you join #planttwitter! I recently started following plant accounts on instagram, but imo the plant community on twitter is much more welcoming and a great resource for tips and tricks. Anytime I have a plant concern I ask #planttwitter and several people usually respond within the hour if not minutes.

Beginners supplies

  1. Moisture meter -- check out my post on general knowledge, I break down the importance of a moisture meter

  2. Humidifiers - check out my post on general knowledge, if you plan on bringing tropical plants like listed below into your home. Without humidity these plants won't thrive meaning they will droop, turn crispy, or a number of bad things will happen.

  3. Watering can x2 - I say 2 cans because you will need a watering can for fertilizer. When I fertilize my plants I mix the solution with water. Check out my article on fertilizing your plants

  4. Drip pans - these are essential for watering. It's the pan that sits under your plant to catch the excess water when watering your plant baby. Make sure you grab some clear ones as well (they are usually .59-.79 cents at Home Depot). The clear ones are used specifically for my fungus gnat repellent. Check out my post on pests, I give explicit directions on how to make an efficient mix for fungus gnats

  5. Garden sheers - check out my post on daily routine, some of your plants will need to be pruned and you don't want to do this with the same regular smegular scissors you use around the house

  6. Sticky bug traps - unfortunately, with houseplants come fungus gnats. But don't worry! I have learned several tricks to deal with and get rid of them! Check out my article on pests. This sounds worse than it actually is, they are tiny little black bugs that fly around your plant and thrive in access moisture. They can be stubborn to get rid of but pop a couple of these in your pots with the plants and it should help! The gnats are attracted to the sticky trap and get stuck. I also like to hang several of the sticky fly taps around my home

  7. Measuring cup - this will come in handy when you are treating pests or making fertilizer

  8. Set of 4in/6in/8in pots - you will need this basic set for repotting. Trust me, it's a fucking hassle trying to run to home depot during rush hour before the sun goes down during the dead of winter (I like/need to repot in the winter occasionally) on a hope and a prayer that they have the right sized pot because you forgot you needed a pot. Fun times.

  9. Different soil - just like humans need different things to thrive, plants need different types of soil. It goes a long way to have basic potting soil, cactus & succulent soil, orchid bark, and perlite. Check out my post on general knowledge, I break down the importance of soil.

  10. Apple cider vinegar - This is like a magic potion for fungus gnat repellent. You probably already have this in your house but get a separate one just for plant care. Check out my post on pests, I give explicit directions on how to make an efficient go-the-fuck-away-fungus-gnat-potion.

High humidity plants

The following tropical houseplants thrive in high humidity: Monstera delicioso, monstera adansonii, pothos, philodendron, white bird of Paradise, golden child ivy, dracaena.

Extensive supplies

  • Mister - check out my post on general knowledge, imo misting can be a fun way to spend quality time with the gworls and I mist some of my outdoor patio plants.

  • Hydrogen peroxide - this is to combat pests! Often times, folks forget that the eggs from fungus gnats live in the soil and only think about the annoying ones flying around the plant. A little Hydrogen peroxide mixed with water during watering is a great way to kill the eggs. Check out my post on pests, I give specific directions on the mixture amounts and ingredients. This is also a hack for dealing with root rot.

  • Rubbing alcohol - this is for extreme cases of pests. When I encountered mealy bugs (they took my succulent out - RIP) I used this product. Check out my post on pests, I give specific directions on the mixture amounts and ingredients. Please be careful with this, as it CAN burn your plants leaves if too much is used.

  • Diamatacious earth - this product is to get rid of "peskier" pests. Check out my post on pests, I explain what this is used for and a recent situation with pests.

  • Mosquito bits - this is another product to cure your plant of fungus gnats. Check out my post on pests, I explain what this is used for and my experience with it.

  • Neem oil - this is a natural product that is used for many pest problems. In my experience I like to use it preventatively or for fungus gnats, in my experience it's not as effective as mosquito bits or dematiaceous earth -- but it's definitely worth having handy! ** Please be sure to dilute neem oil before using it has an insane, intense odor** Check out my posts on pests, I extensively explain when and how to use this product.

  • Extra spray bottles -- These will be used for all sorts of mixtures and things. Check out my posts on pests

  • Pebbles -- As I mentioned in my post about humidity -- this is a quick and easy way to create extra humidity in the atmosphere around your plants. This is also fun for DIY project like terrariums -- check out my story about my failed attempt at a terrarium

  • Moss pole -- If you are into climbing or vining plants like Monstera delicioso, monstera adansonii, pothos, and philodendron it's worth it to invest in a couple of these. I got mine off Amazon in a pack of 6 for $26.99 with Velcro plant ties and yellow sticky traps, the kind that can sit in the soil of a plant.


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